All-Member Meeting Tuesday & Casual Night

All-member meeting Tuesday starting at 7 PM.  Agenda items are below.

  1. Appeals process, appoint a committee, take nominations and let them develop the process
  2. Clarification of the rules/process for weekly slow chess pairings
  3. Additional TDs
  4. Financial report from Jack (something simple like current balance and the number of current members, compared to 2014)
  5. 2015 closed
  6. 2016 Grand Prix (maybe hold for a future meeting if time is an issue)
  7. Discuss next officer elections, when?
  8. Open discussion about potential improvements for the club

Grand Prix Conclusion
Maor Leker Locker wins the Grand Prix with 14.5 points!   The RCC Championship Group Stage and RCC Amateur Championship will be taking place July 31-Aug 2 at the Harwick Cafeteria.  Members are welcome to come watch if not playing.

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