Contributed by organizer Kevin Gaustad.

We had an excellent turnout for our first Puzzle Night. 14 players participated.
The top six solvers were: Justin Ricker, Michael Kern, Cole Lappi, Jayan
Jayachanran, Lewei Chen, and Isaac Gommels. The competition consisted of 25
positions with White/Black to play to play and win, and one (very challenging)
White to checkmate in two moves problem. Players were given 100 minutes to
Solving tactical puzzles is a lot of fun and an excellent exercise for preparing for
competition. Being aware of some of the motifs in problems can help you win
games and possibly save games where things may not have been going so well.
And philosophically a chess game is one big problem to solve.
Looking forward to our next Puzzle Night.

Puzzles. The board is oriented from the side to play. For example, Black is on move in positions #1 and #2 (note the algebraic coordinates).

Puzzle night solutions (A=advanced; I=intermediate; B=basic):

1.       (A2)  Black to play and win:  1…Qxg5+ 2. Qxg5 Bxg5+ 3. Kh3 Black wins material (if 3.Kxg5 h4 results in mate).    3pts (4 pts if the alternative is included)

2.       (I2)   Black to play and win:  1…Qh2+ 2.Kg5 Qh6+ wins material. 2 pts

3.       (B1)  Black to play and win:  1…Qh8  1pt

4.       (A3)  White to play and win:  1. Qxh7+ Kxh7 2. Rh5+ Kg8 3. Ng6 Rf6 4.Rh8+Kf7 5. Rf8++ 3pts

5.       (I4)   White to play and win:  1. Nxd5 cd 2. Bc7 wins the queen 2 pts

6.       (B2)  Black to play and win:  1…Bd4+  1pt

7.       (A4)  White to play and win:  1. Qh6 Bxh6 2. Rxh6 g5 (if 2…Kf8 3.Rh8+ Ng8 4. Rxg8+ Kxg8 5. Rh8++) 3. Rh8+Kg7 4. R1h7+ Kg6 5. Bd3+ (if 5…Qe4 6. Bxe4+ Nxe4 7. Rg7++) 3 pts, 1 additional pt for each alternative

8.       (I6)  White to play and win: 1. Rxf6 (if 1…Kxf6 2.Bxg5+, if 1…Qxf6 Nh5+) wins a pawn.  2 pts.  1 additional pt for each alternative.

9.       (B3) White to play and win: 1. Ba6.  1 pt.

10.   (A5) White to play and win: 1. Rxf8+ Kxf8 2. Nf5+ Kg8 3. Qf8+ Kxf8 4. Rd8++ 3 pts

11.   (I7)  White to play and win:  1. Qxd5 Qxd5 2. Bb4+  2 pts

12.   (B4) White to play and win:  1. Bd6+ 1 pt

13.   (A6) White to play and win:  1. Rxd4 (1…cd 2. Re5+ Kxg4 3. F3/h3++, 1…ed 2. Re5+ Kxg4, 3. F3/h3++, 1….Rxd4 2. Re5+ Kg4 3. F3/h3++) 3pts, only 1 additional pt for noting any or all of the results after 1. Rxd4

14.   (I8)  White to play and win: 1. Bxf7+ Kxf7 2. Nxe5+ wins a pawn.  2 pts

15.   (B5) White to play and win: 1. Bf3 1 pt

16.   (A7) White to play and win: 1. Be8+Nxe8 2. Kg5 (mate by Rf8 is inevitable) 3 pts, 1 additional pt for indicating/showing that mate is inevitable.

17.   (I9) White to play and win: 1. F4+ 2 pts

18.   (B6)White to play and win: 1. Rd2 1 pt

19.   (A8)  White to play and win: 1. Rf6 – Black will experience significant material loss to prevent mate.  (if 1…h6 2. E5) 3 pts, 1 additional pt for indicating 2. e5

20.    (I10) White to play and win: 1. Qh8+ Qxh8 2. Rf7 ++ 2 pts

21.   (B7) White to play and win:  1. Ne7+ Kh8/h7 2. Rh1++ 1 pt

22.   (A9) White to play and win:  1. Nf6+ gf 2. Qf8+Kxf8 3. Bh6+Kg8, 4. Re8++ 3 pts

23.   (B8) White to play and win:  1. Rd7+ wins material 1 pt

24.   (A10) White to play and win:  Note White’s king is in check.  1. Qxf4 (if 1…Bxf4 2. Rxh5 and mate on h8 is inevitable) wins a piece.  3 pts.  -5pts if not noting that the King is in check.

25.   (B10) White to play and win: 1. Ke5 1 pt

26.   Checkmate in two moves, White to play:  1. Bd6 (if 1…Kxd6 2. Qb6++, if 1…d3 2. Ne7++, if 1…f5 2. Ne5++, if 1…b6 2. Qd5++, if 1…b5 2. Qc7++)  10pts.  1 additional point for showing each of Black’s failed defenses.  Chess Problems for Beginners,   Fred Reinfeld.  1960. 

Thanks to Kevin for organizing a fun night!

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