Category: Website Information



Michael Gilligan has agreed to take on the role of club tournament director! Matt Markland will be joining Michael in bringing more variety to the club competitions in the form of Saturday tournaments (e.g. exerciser quads similar to the Chess Castle) and partnerships with chess-friendly groups like LTS and Jersey Jo’s in Rochester.

In addition, several club members have volunteered to assist with social media, improve our website, and help maintain our calendar. We will be meeting in working groups to continue the projects.

Thank you all. These improvements will help guarantee the continued success of Rochester Chess.

New Look for our Website

WFM Jovana Milosevic recently completed her course on web design. She immediately put her new-found knowledge to work by updating our website. Thank you very much Jovana!

In person meetings with Rochester Chess members are still on hold. This situation will likely remain the same until the pandemic subsides. Your membership will be extended without charge by the amount of time the club was closed.

What should you do in the interim? Rochester Chess has held several online chess tournaments on and The most common format is a swiss at a slow time control (G/30+30 or G/60+30). You can register here for the next tournament which begins on Tuesday, November 10. George Paulik and Paul Gabrail won the most recent tournaments with perfect scores (4-0 in the swiss and 3-0 in the quad, respectively).

Master Milosevic is leading a weekly “Online Advanced Chess Class” on Saturdays, noon – 1:30 CDT (soon to be CST). Topics include how to play with different center pawn structures and material imbalances, the importance of centralization, open files and diagonals, and many more. Tuition is $15/class. Send me an email if you are interested in joining the class:

Rochester chess players Matt Jensen and Jesse Buss have created a chess improvement website called ChessGoals. ChessGoals offers study plans that were formed based on study habit data from hundreds of players. They also have weekly blog posts about chess improvement and current events.

RCC Champions Place 1st/2nd

Monthly Rated Summary: Eleven players showed up today for our G/60,d/5 monthly rated tournament.  The 3 round accelerated Swiss tournament was organized as one section with prizes for 1st, 2nd, and top U1600/unrated.  Kevin Gaustad, the RCC Champion, scored a perfect 3 points and bumped his rating over 1800!  Maor Leker Locker, the RCC Youth Champion, scored 2.5 points for clear 2nd place.  Ben Schimke and Walker Larson split the class prize with one point each.

USCF Crosstable | Ladder Ratings Updated 

Tuesday night: G/15; D5 four round Swiss tournament. Entry fee: $5 members, $7 nonmembers.  RCC rated.  Tournament starts at 6:30 PM and should end by 9:00.  You can now renew your membership via PayPal on our membership page.

RCC Correspondence Championship 2012:  I am organizing a free correspondence tournament for RCC members only.  It’s free to play in you just need to be a member.  To join the RCC group on and sign-up for the tournament follow the links:

RCC group | RCC Correspondence Championship 2012

Next Monthly Rated (10/27): The info is posted on the schedule.  There are a few small changes.  The first round will be at 9:00 and we will have 4 rounds.  The plan is to still be finished by 6:30 PM.  Link on the right sidebar or the schedule page.