Tag: tournament
APRIL USCF-RATED SLOW SWISS: Three rounds of Game/60+30s increment in a Swiss or quad format beginning on Tuesday, April 8. One game per week. Membership in USCF is required (https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess). Games start at 6:30 PM. Half-point byes are available for schedule conflicts. Reserve your spot by registering online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNjnk_zNQlFSHjC7YrYA2B0PpXtmVYpI69-EwKowOR2Dtgrw/viewform?usp=pp_url
FREE APRIL SCHOLASTIC SWISS: Four rounds of Game/30, d5s in a Swiss Style format will be played on Saturday, April 12. All participants will play 4 games. No elimination. Participating in the K-12 sections requires a USCF membership (https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess). Contact Dennis Mays for information about a limited number of vouchers for free USCF memberships. The K-2 section will be unrated. Chess sets and clocks will be provided. Half-point byes are available for schedule conflicts. Reserve your spot by registering online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyCLDiiB8ztTU-QOFi7jjJ1g1Gd_9TDrN48aBEiPL9Ks9sIw/viewform?usp=pp_url
Parent/coach volunteers are needed. Sign up to assist in the comments section. Contact Dennis Mays (dennismays101@gmail.com) if you have questions.
Trophies/medals will be awarded to the top finishers in each section K-2 (unrated), GRADES K-5, GRADES K-8, and GRADES K-12.
Twenty-two players competed in a 3-round USCF-rated swiss tournament that ended on March 25. One game per week was played at a time control of G/60+30s increment.
Jared Cleveland, an unrated newcomer to the club and to OTB chess, finished in first place with a perfect score of 3-0 in his section. I think Jared had fun in his first OTB tournament. Eli Goplen and Bob Richardson tied for second place with 2 points. Soren Wiedmann finished in first place in the upper swiss with a perfect score of 3-0. Justin Ricker finished in second place with 2.5 points. Congratulations to all of the players. The rating report has been posted by USCF: https://www.uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php?202503257622-13703212.
The next USCF-rated slow tournament will start on Tuesday, April 8. Stay tuned for details.